Sunday, August 15, 2010

Platte Valley Review - On Sale

Just a reminder that copies of the 2009-10 Platte Valley Review, if they cannot be located at a fine local bookseller with a physical shop (and why not? What's wrong with them!), are available via for ten bucks, American, and other denominations Earth money of equal value, once it has been converted to American Dollars. Featuring work by acclaimed and brilliant luminaries such as Jack Myers, Anne Waldman, Lolita Hernandez, Quincy Troupe, Ted Kooser, Diane Glancy, and Sam Hamill, and released by the University of Nebraska at Kearney, this is more than worth the money and sure to become a cherished item passed down generation to generation until such time as cults are formed around it while the chimps are busy chiseling the faces on Mount Rushmore into more palatable pan troglodytes visages.

I am proud of my small contributions to the edition (cover design, some layout and proofing), which turned out nice, but even prouder to simply be included in some way in a collection featuring such excellent writers and wonderful people.

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